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TPS Expands Presence in Russia With Fourth Portal Harbour Crane

TPS_Model3_Sollers_Press kopieTerex Port Solutions (TPS) gains ground in Russia with its portal harbour crane technology. In the Pacific port of Vladivostok, Pacific Logistic LLC (Pacific Logistic) has now an electrically driven Terex Gottwald Model 3 portal harbour crane in the G HSK 3432 variant in operation to handle containers with vehicle parts in the customer’s Sollers Terminal. The crane has a maximum lifting capacity of 79t and a maximum radius of 46m. It has a portal with a track gauge of 10.5m, which is the standard in Russia, and a portal clearance height of 6m. Due to the low permissible rail loading it is fitted with a total of 32 wheels – eight at each corner of the crane. The G HSK 3432 is the fourth Terex Gottwald portal harbour crane in Vladivostok and the twelfth of this type in Russia.

New automobile works demands an efficient crane

The Terex Gottwald G HSK 3432 harbour crane in Vladivostok mainly handles containers with vehicle parts for the local works of the Russian automobile manufacturer Sollers, as Sergey Dorozhkin, CEO of Pacific Logistic, explains: “Sollers has been making vehicles for a number of international manufacturers here since 2012 and, for the long-term supply of the works with vehicle parts, a crane had to be obtained quickly which could unload the vessels reliably and efficiently.” The G HSK 3432 harbour crane satisfied these criteria and the local infrastructural conditions best: It is not only fitted with its own on-board diesel generator, but also with equipment for connecting to an external power supply, to offer the operator the required power supply redundancy. Use of the external power from the terminal’s electricity supply also increases the efficiency of the crane, while at the same time reducing noise emissions in the terminal.

The very first Model 3 portal harbour crane

For Jan Lind, Regional Sales Manager for Terex Gottwald harbour cranes, the order is a double confirmation of the portal harbour crane concept: “We are particularly happy that we are now also represented in Russia with a Generation 5 portal harbour crane, which is also the very first Model 3 portal harbour crane to be commissioned by a customer.” This showed that, increasingly, the portal harbour cranes of the medium-sized crane family from TPS have also been establishing themselves in their markets: “Until three years ago, customers worldwide only ordered Models 6, 7 and 8 portal harbour cranes from our large crane family. We have since delivered a number of Model 4 with a portal-type design. With the crane for Vladivostok, we have now opened a new chapter in the success story of the portal harbour crane.”

Worldwide demand for portal harbour cranes in different terminals

Terex Gottwald portal harbour cranes are in demand in different terminals all over the world. They represent a competitive alternative to bulk gantry cranes or CSUs, for example, and combine Terex Gottwald mobile harbour crane technology with a portal solution which can be tailored to the conditions in each terminal. Track gauges are available from 10 to 20 m, with clearance heights from 4 to 8m. Portal harbour cranes allow the unimpeded operation of road trucks, trains and conveyor belts below or beside the rail portals and are able to handle all types of cargo: While, in the past, four-rope grab variants were mainly ordered for bulk terminals, two-rope portal harbour crane variants have recently been used increasingly for container handling – like the G HSK 3432 harbour crane for Pacific Logistic.