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Premiere for Terex Rubber-Tyred Gantry Cranes in Vietnam

TOC Asia, Singapore, 8 April 2014 – Vietnamese company Haiphong Port Holding Limited Liability Company recently ordered 12 rubber-tyred gantry cranes in the E-RTG variant from Terex Port Solutions (TPS). From the end of 2014, they will be used at the Port of Haiphong. The largest port in northern Vietnam and the second largest in the whole country, it lies barely 100km to the east of Vietnam’s capital Hanoi on the China Sea and, with rapidly growing handling volumes, is positioning itself as a hub for Asian goods transport between Vietnam, Laos and PR China.

Phung Xuan Ha, Deputy General Director at Haiphong Port Holding Limited Liability Company, explains: “The growth rates are enormous. With the new gantry cranes from Terex, we will systematically further expand the capacities of our terminals.” The order also includes an option for Haiphong Port to purchase six additional gantry cranes.

Success in the vicinity

“We are delighted that our rubber-tyred gantry cranes will be used for the first time in Vietnam,” explains Maurizio Altieri, General Manager of the TPS Xiamen facility in PR China, where the cranes are manufactured. “The prospering Asian market is demanding efficient solutions for container handling. With our products and services for terminal operators, this is precisely what we can offer. Vietnam, as a direct neighbor of China, is a significant and promising market for us.”

Drive without noise and exhaust emissions

The E-RTG gantry cranes for Haiphong will be powered with electricity from the terminal’s electricity supply, where the power is supplied via a cable guided over a cable reel on the crane. The advantage compared to a conventional diesel-electric drive is that the cranes do not generate any local exhaust emissions and have low noise emissions. The improved efficiency rating considerably reduces energy costs, too.

Competitive edge

For Phung Xuan Ha, besides the cost-effectiveness of the gantry cranes, the performance data was also the deciding factor: “The equipment from Terex Port Solutions puts us in an even better position to satisfy our customers’ requirements for fast and efficient goods handling.” With a hoisting height of 18m under the spreader, the cranes can stack standard containers 1-over-5. They have a span of 23.47m, allowing them to cover six rows of containers and a truck lane, and can transport 4 t under the spreader.

Position in the Asian market

Terex Port Solutions is well represented in Asia thanks to its broad network of branch offices and its facility in Xiamen, PR China. Besides gantry cranes, many harbour cranes including mobile harbour cranes, portal harbour cranes and floating cranes, in addition to other TPS cargo handling cranes, have delivered outstanding performance in Asian ports for many years. Altieri concludes: “With TPS, port operators in Asia find the right handling equipment for every size and type of terminal. We not only offer the product, but also comprehensive service including direct on-site maintenance.”