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Zuidnatie Inaugurates Model 8 Cranes From Terex

Zuidnatie_PressToday, Antwerp terminal operator Zuidnatie NV (Zuidnatie) presented two new Terex Gottwald Model 8 mobile harbour cranes from Terex Port Solutions (TPS) with an inauguration ceremony. With a maximum lifting capacity of 200t each, the large cranes in the G HMK 8710 variant are the most powerful mobile harbour cranes in the Port of Antwerp and will help Zuidnatie to efficiently handle containers and general and project cargo.

For handling particularly heavy project loads up to 400t, both Model 8 cranes will be equipped with the Terex Gottwald tandem lift system, which allow the cranes to perform full 400 ton capacity tandem lift operations and avoid any capacity reductions. In addition, both cranes will be equipped with hybrid drives for cost-effective and environmentally friendly operation.

Promoting growth with a powerful machine

With the significant upgrade of the capabilities of its crane fleet, the stevedoring company is seeing consistent growth, as Marcel Dubourg, CEO at Zuidnatie, explains at the ceremony on the occasion of the Breakbulk Europe trade fair: “With the Model 8 cranes, our fleet is not only becoming more powerful but also more flexible. And because both cranes in combination can deal with loads up to 400t, we are also in the position to offer our customers new handling solutions.” So with TPS, Zuidnatie is consciously relying on a supplier with a proven track record over many years, Dubourg continues: “We have been working very successfully with TPS for over a decade. It was therefore a logical decision for us, once again, to use the technology of TPS, since these are cranes of the top performance class.” The crane fleet from Zuidnatie currently comprises nine mobile harbour cranes from Terex Port Solutions.

Systematic expansion of the fleet and its performance

Giuseppe Di Lisa, Vice President Sales & Services at Terex Port Solutions, also sees the trust placed in TPS as an endorsement of the complementary product and service portfolio with which customers could grow: “The first cranes that we delivered to Zuidnatie were smaller machines followed by a Model 6 crane in 2008.” This fleet was subsequently supplemented with, among others, two Model 7 cranes. These had been supplied to DPW Breakbulk in 2005, which was taken over by Zuidnatie in 2012. “With the Model 8 cranes, we are again helping a long-standing customer to enhance the performance of his fleet and to set two further visible signs of technology in a port where we feel we belong,” Di Lisa continues. Signs that are being perceived, as Marc van Peel, Chairman and Alderman of the Antwerp Port Authority, emphasized at the inauguration ceremony: “The upgrade of the Zuidnatie fleet is again setting new standards for mobile harbour cranes and must therefore also be seen as an upgrade of the entire Port of Antwerp.”

Tandem lift assistant permits utilization of full lifting capacity

The tandem lift assistant system, which is an optional feature either requested on new cranes or added to existing cranes via a retrofit package, permits computer-controlled synchronised operation of both cranes by a single crane driver. The data between the cranes is transferred via a secure radio link that is tried and tested in many industrial applications. In this way, the usual risk factors in tandem operation – such as unequal loading on the two cranes, lateral pull, overturning moment or differences in speeds – are monitored. In the event that these factors are inadequately monitored, the regulations in force here stipulate a reduction in the overall lifting capacity of both cranes by 20 percent or more. But in accordance with standard ISO 12480-1, the full lifting capacity of both cranes can still be utilised when using the tandem lift assistant system. Two cranes of the same size can be used, as in the case of Zuidnatie, as well as cranes of different sizes, as practised at the Kiel Canal Port of Rendsburg, among others.

Hybrid drives significantly reduce fuel consumption

The hybrid drives, with which both Model 8 cranes will be equipped, each include a diesel generator and a short-term energy storage system (ultracaps). Energy recovered from lowering and braking motions of the crane is stored in the ultracaps. This energy is made available to the internal power system of the cranes for the next operating cycle, i.e. when it is required. TPS cranes with hybrid drive help customers to realise significant fuel savings. At the same time, pollutant emissions and the need for servicing the diesel generator are also considerably reduced.

Remote access technology saves time and costs

The Terex Gottwald Model 8 cranes for Zuidnatie are equipped with the Visumatic crane management system. Thanks to the Visumatic Remote Assistance and Crane Data System (CDS) modules supplied, Zuidnatie uses the advantages of modern remote access technology for both cranes. The Crane Data System provides Zuidnatie fast and simple remote access to, amongst others, production and diagnosis data. This data can not only be displayed in a user-friendly manner via a browser interface, but can also be analysed and downloaded when required. The system therefore establishes the potential to identify measures for enabling process improvements. Furthermore, a configurable e-mail messaging system facilitates a short-term response to diagnostic messages. Should local service staff not be able to solve technical problems themselves, the Visumatic Remote Assistance system makes it possible for Terex experts to connect to the crane control system and provide technical support without being on site themselves. By using the system, Zuidnatie gains valuable time while simultaneously reducing costs.