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More info on the tag Kongsberg Maritime

Cargo Handling Simulator For Turkish Shipowner

Kongsberg Maritime has successfully completed a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) for the delivery of an innovative Suezmax Cargo Handling Simulator (CHS) interfaced to the Kongsberg K-Chief-500 marine automation system, to the Turkish ship owner Gungen Maritime & Trading A/S.

New St. Petersburg Kongsberg Simulation Company

The office of the new wholly owned Kongsberg Maritime company, Kongsberg Maritime Tech LLC was officially opened in St. Petersburg, Russia, on 23 March 2010. The new Kongsberg Maritime company has been established to further strengthen Kongsberg Maritime Simulation & Training’s technology. The team will have a special focus on advanced simulation technologies, development and..

Co-starring… Kongsberg Maritime’s HUGIN AUV

Kongsberg Maritime‘s HUGIN AUV is featured in an intriguing new documentary – ‘Roald Amundsen – Lost in the Arctic’ – which investigates the disappearance of Roald Amundsen and his Latham 47 sea-plane in the Barents Sea during a rescue mission in 1928.

Kongsberg Simulators Live At Kalmar Maritime Academy

The Kalmar Maritime Academy, a well-established maritime training centre on Sweden’s east coast has taken delivery of its latest engine room simulator (ERS) from Kongsberg Maritime. The aademy’s expansion of its ERS portfolio includes the installation of a new DNV approved full-mission simulator based on Kongsberg Maritime’s K-Chief 500 and AutoChief C20 automation solutions for..

Class A DNV Approval for Kongsberg DP Simulator

Kongsberg Maritime is proud to announce that its Polaris Dynamic Positioning simulator is the first to achieve DNV approval to the stringent Class A standard. The leading simulator developer has also achieved DNV approval to Class A standards for its Bridge Operation simulator including class notification of DP, Ice Navigation, High Speed Craft and Tug..

Kongsberg Vessel Motion Monitoring Solution

The VMM 200, a sophisticated new vessel motion monitoring solution from Kongsberg Seatex, Kongsberg Maritime‘s specialist position reference and satellite positioning division, is set to improve the safety and efficiency of operations where accurate vessel motion data is critical. This unique new attitude determination solution is the first of its kind and is made possible..

Malaysian Contract Kongsberg Maritime

Kongsberg Maritime has been awarded a contract by HJS Maritime SDN. BHD, Malaysia to deliver two sophisticated Polaris Ship’s Bridge Simulators for use in a new centre of excellence being built for the Malaysian Marine Department.

Full Imaging Packages for Sub Rescue Operations

Two new Submarine Rescue Vehicles (SRVs) built by James Fisher Defence for the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) and the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) have entered operation in 2009 with extensive camera and sonar packages supplied by Kongsberg Maritime Ltd. The SRVs, designated DSAR (Deep Search and Rescue), have been developed from the ground-up,..

100th Deep Water Multibeam Order

Kongsberg Maritime is proud to announce that its 100th deep-water multibeam Echo Sounder system has been ordered and will be delivered in November 2009 to the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO). The contract, for delivery of a sophisticated EM 122 (1° x 1°) is part of the Multibeam Sonar System upgrade program for the U.S…